
The Literary Pilgrim blog features nonfiction creative writing on topics, themes, questions and ideas that I explore in my writing. My blog posts focus on exploring and examining topics or themes, providing information, and generating curiosity, questions, inquiry and interest. In each post, I explore questions such as: Why does this matter? What makes it interesting? How can I examine this in my life? How can I explore this in the world? How can we explore this in literature and writing? How can we explore this in art?

I hope you enjoy reading the blog, and I hope it inspires exploration and creativity in you as well. Please feel free to email me with comments and feedback!

With gratitude,

Abena Ntoso

April 30, 2023

March 22, 2024

March 23, 2024

Social Consciousness in Literature

Coming soon!

Poetry as a Door

Coming soon!

Nurturing Curiosity

Coming soon!